Lobanov B. Language- and Speaker Specific Implementation of Intonation Contours in Multilingual TTS Synthesis / Lobanov B., Tsirulnik L., Zhadinets D., Karnevskaya E. // Speech Prosody: proceedings of the 3rd International conference. May 2-5, 2006 - Dresden, Germany, 2006. - Vol. 2. - P. 553-556.
Lobanov B. Statistical Study of Speaker’s Peculiarities of Utterances into Phrases Segmentation / Lobanov B., Tsirulnik L. // Speech Prosody: proceedings of the 3rd International conference. May 2-5, 2006 : Dresden, Germany, 2006. - P. 557-560.
Lobanov, B. A Model of Personalized Audio-Visual TTS-synthesis for Russian / B. Lobanov, L. Tsirulnik, A. Ronzhin, A. Karpov // International conference “Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Recognition, Applications in Systems for Homeland Security”, September 8-12 2008, Szklarska Poręba, Poland. – P. 25-32.
Karpov, A. Audio-Visual Speech Asynchrony Modeling in a Talking Head / A. Karpov, L. Tsirulnik, Z. Kròoul, A. Ronzhin, B. Lobanov, M. Zhelezny // Interspeech 2009: proc. 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Brighton, UK, 6-10 September, 2009 / International Speech Communication Association. – P. 2911-2914.
Tsirulnik, L. Russian Text-to-Speech Synthesis System for Mobile Telephones / L. Tsirulnik, D. Pokladok // Electronic and Speech Information Processing: proc. 11 International Conference, Dresden, Germany, 21-24 September, 2009 / Institute of Acoustic and Speech Communication, Technical University of Dresden. – P. 39-42.
Petrushin, V. Whispered Speech Prosody Modeling for TTS Synthesis / Valery A. Petrushin, Liliya I. Tsirulnik, Veronika Makarova // Proc. International Conference “Speech Prosody 2010”, May 11-14, 2010, Chicago, USA. – P. 1151-1154.
Hetsevich Yu. S. Overview Of Belarusian And Russian Electronic Dictionaries And Their Adaptation For NooJ / Yu.S. Hetsevich, S.A. Hetsevich // Proceedings of the NooJ - International conference and workshop, Paris, June 12 – 15, 2012
Lobanov B. Development of multi-voice and multi-language TTS synthesizer (languages: Belarussian, Polish, Russian) / Lobanov B., Tsirulnik L. // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 11th International conference SPECOM’2006. 25-29 June - St. Petersburg : Anatolya, 2006. - P. 274-283.
Lobanov, B. AUP’s Modeling of Speaker Specific Intonation Contour Peculiarities / B. Lobanov, L. Tsirulnik, O. Sizonov // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 12-th International conference SPECOM’2007, Moscow, Russia, 15-18 October, 2007 / Moscow State Linguistic University. – Moscow, 2007. – V.1. – P. 312-317.
Lobanov, B. Speech Corpus Phonetic Segmentation for TTS Synthesis / B. Lobanov, L. Tsirulnik L., E. Karnevskaya // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 12-th International conference SPECOM’2007, Moscow, Russia, 15-18 October, 2007 / Moscow State Linguistic University. – Moscow, 2007. – V.2. – P. 615-618
Hoffmann, R. Slavonic TTS and STT Conversion for “Let's Fly” Dialogue System / R. Hoffmann, O. Jokisch , B. Lobanov, L. Tsirulnik, E. Shpilewsky, B. Piurkowska, A. Ronzhin, A. Karpov // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 12-th International conference SPECOM’2007, Moscow, Russia, 15-18 October, 2007 / Moscow State Linguistic University. – Moscow, 2007. – V.2. – P. 729-733.
Karpov, A. Audio-Visual Russian Speech Recognition and Synthesis for a Multimodal Information Kiosk / A. Karpov, B. Lobanov, A. Ronzhin, L. Tsirulnik // The Fifth International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, May 27-30, Minsk, 2008. – P. 81-86.
Karpov, A. Audio-Visual Russian Speech Recognition and Synthesis for a Multimodal Information Kiosk / A. Karpov, B. Lobanov, A. Ronzhin, L. Tsirulnik // The Fifth International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, May 27-30, Minsk, 2008. – P. 81-86.
Karpov, A. Study of Audio-Visual Asynchrony of Russian Speech For Improvement of Talking Head Naturalness / A. Karpov, L. Tsirulnik, M. Zelezny, Z. Krnoul, A. Ronzhin, B. Lobanov // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 13-th International conference SPECOM’2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 21-25 June, 2009 / Institute of In¬formatics and Automation of RAS, Speech Informatics Group. – P. 130-135.
Tsirulnik, L. Analysis and TTS-synthesis of Russian Whispered Speech / L. Tsirulnik, V. Petrushin, V. Makarova // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 13-th International conference SPECOM’2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 21-25 June, 2009 / Institute of In-formatics and Automation of RAS, Speech Informatics Group. – P. 180-185.
Lobanov, B. Pragmatic variation of Question Intonation in TTS synthesis / B. Lobanov, E. Karnevskaya // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 13-th International conference SPECOM’2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 21-25 June, 2009 / Institute of In-formatics and Automation of RAS, Speech Informatics Group. – P. 225-228.
Azarov, E. Text-to-speech system with acoustic processor based on the instantaneous harmonic analysis / E. Azarov, A. Petrovsky, B. Lobanov, L. Tsirulnik // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 13-th International conference SPECOM’2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 21-25 June, 2009 / Institute of Informatics and Automation of RAS, Speech Informatics Group. – P. 414-418.
Lobanov, B. On the Way to Precise and Robust Formant Frequencies Tracking / B. Lobanov, A. Davydov // Speech and Computer: proceedings of the 13-th International conference SPECOM’2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 21-25 June, 2009 / Institute of In-formatics and Automation of RAS, Speech Informatics Group. – P. 615-618.
Tsirulnik, L. Russian Text-to-Speech Synthesis System for Mobile Telephones / L. Tsirulnik, D. Pokladok // Electronic and Speech Information Processing: proc. 11 International Conference, Dresden, Germany, 21-24 September, 2009 / Institute of Acoustic and Speech Communication, Technical University of Dresden. – P. 39-42.
Hetsevich, Y. Overview of Belarusian And Russian dictionaries and their adaptation for NooJ / Y. Hetsevich, S. Hetsevich // Automatic Processing of Various Levels of Linguistic Phenomena: Selected Papers from the NooJ 2011 Intern. Conf. / eds. Vučković Kristina, Bekavac Božo, Silberztein Max. – Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. – P. 29–40.
Hetsevich, Yu. Belarusian and Russian linguistic modules processing for the system NooJ as applied to text-to-speech synthesis / Yu. S. Hetsevich, S. A. Hetsevich, B. M. Lobanov // Êîìïüþòåðíàÿ ëèíãâèñòèêà è èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûå òåõíîëîãèè: Ïî ìàòåðèàëàì Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êîíôåðåíöèè «Äèàëîã» (Áåêàñîâî, 30 ìàÿ – 3 èþíÿ 2012 ã.). Âûï. 11 (18): Â 2 ò. Ò.1: Îñíîâíàÿ ïðîãðàììà êîíôåðåíöèè. – Ì.: Èçä-âî ÐÃÃÓ, 2012. – Ñ. 198–212.