Laboratory of System Identification - History of the Lab
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Laboratory of System Identification - History of the Lab

Two main scientific problems have been since 1994:

1. Development of methods and tools for signals, images and three-dimensional objects identification;

2.Development of methods, algorithms and program tools for architectural and logic synthesis of digital units.

The important and original results in a number of research fields of the called above problems were obtained in laboratory during this very short period. The researches have been awarded by Scientific Soviet of the IEC in 1996-2000:

1997 - Effective methods and algorithms of image processing and realizing on appropriate parallel computing structures. (Principal  investigators Sadykhov R.Kh., Doudkin A.A. and Machnev A.G.).

1998 - methods, algorithms of imag identification and technology of computer vision system design (Sadykhov R.Kh., Podenok L.P., Vershok D.A.).

1999 - methods and algorithms of training neural networks for the recognition and control (Sadykhov R.Kh., Golovko V.A., Doudkin A.A.).

2000 - methods and algorithms of contour extraction of objects on the video images maps of LSI layers (Sadykhov R.Kh., Х., Vershok D.A.,  Doudkin A.A., Selikhanovich A.M).

This results were are obtained within the framework of fulfill of the job "Development of structural and statistical methods and algorithms of identification of different sorts of the images" of the republican program of basic researches "Research of problems of simulation of intellectual processes" (1996-2000).