The Laboratory of Logical Design - Iryna P. Loginova
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Iryna P. Loginova

In 1973 Iryna P. Lohinava graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Belarusian State University with a degree in physics. Since July 1977 she has been working at the Institute of Technical Cybernetics first as a senior engineer, 1st category software engineer, junior research assistant, senior research assistant. From the end of 1992 to the present time he has been working in the Laboratory of Logical Design. From 1992 to 1996 she did postgraduate studies at UIIP.

In January 2003  Iryna P. Lohinava defended the thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Thesis topic – "Convolution of matrix structures of custom VLSI", specialty – 05.13.12 "design automation systems".

I. Lohinava is engaged in the development of software in the field of custom VLSI design – particularly, in the using of applied methods of graph theory for optimization of the VLSI matrix structures, programming via computer graphics to display the results of logical synthesis and topological representation of VLSI matrix macroelements. I. Lohinava uses modern software tools in her work, she is experienced in programming technologies in modern environments and programming systems, including the C ++ language, using the MFC, STL and Boost libraries, as well as techniques and methods of vector graphics and image processing.

In the period from 2003 to 2010 I. Lohinava took part in the development and delivery of the following projects:

– programs of fundamental research: Infotech IT 05, IT 03 (2001–2005) "Development of theoretical foundations for automation of logical control devices design implemented on the element base of very large scale integrated circuits"; IT 06 (2006–2010) "Models and methods of algorithmic and functional-logical design of control and computing systems based on very large scale integrated circuits";

– Belarusian-Russian program "Cosmos-BR" (1999–2002) "Development of an experimental CAD model of custom-made very large-scale integrated circuits (VLSI)";

– branch scientific and technical program "Computer technologies" (2001–2004) "To develop and implement software for end-to-end design of custom CMOS VLSI";

- project of the Fund for Fundamental Research T03-040 (2003–2004) “Verification of multilevel schemes based on solving the "feasibility" problem.

I. Lohinava is the principal investigator of:

– SSTP tasks: 04.03 "Information technologies" IT-06 (2006–2009) "To develop and implement methods, algorithms and programs for solving problems of placing elements and macroelements in the design of custom VLSI topology";

– project of the Fund for Fundamental Research T06P-092 (2006–2008) "Topological design of custom VLSI control devices";

– project of the Fund for Fundamental Research of the BRFFR and Ukraine T09K-025 (2009–2011) "Minimization of the area of custom VLSI implementing digital circuits";

– project of the Fund for Fundamental Research of the BRFFR and the RFFR T10P-035 (2010–2012) "Topological design of VLSI macroelements with a hierarchically organized structure".

The main area of work is the development of structures and invariant automatic construction methods for the topology of custom VLSI based on libraries of ready-made topological fragments using an industrial graphic editor for the topology of integrated circuits, the development of algorithms and the development of programs for graphical visualization of the programmable structures topology of integrated circuits obtained in the process of automatic synthesis (silicon compilation).

Concurrently working as an associate professor, I. Lohinava trains students in the disciplines of programming, currently she is a lecturer of the courses "Basics of Web Design and Computer Graphics", "Distributed Information Systems"at the Department of Economic Informatics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.