The State scientific organization "United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (UIIP NASB)
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United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP) is the leading organization in Belarus in fundamental and applied research on information technologies: image processing and pattern recognition, design automation, mathematical and computer modeling, supercomputer technologies, bioinformatics, medical informatics, digital cartography, information space technologies.. The Institute is the provider of scientific and educational Internet networks in Belarus. It takes part in state recommendations on information technologies implementation, scientific support of informatization processes, prognosis in related science and technology fields  in Belarus, high skill specialists training.

The staff of the institute (on 31.12.2023) is over 307 persons including 143 research workers: 12 scientists with Dsc degree and over 50 – with PhD degree.

Main directions of research:
- Computer aided design/manufacturing/engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE)
- Processing and recognition of signals, images and speech
- Operations research and discrete optimization
- Decision making support systems
- Bio- and medical informatics
- Space and remote sensing data processing, geoinformation  systems
- Supercomputer systems and applications, GRID-technologies
- Computer networks and telematics application
- Information protection 
- Input-output of video information
- Information reference systems


Case Western Reserve scientist awarded American Lung Association
Congratulations.jpg  researcher Mehdi Alilou to use artificial intelligence to help predict response to lung cancer therapies

NAS of Belarus named the Top 10 results of scientists for 2020
Congratulations.jpg  Congratulations to our colleagues!

A new issue of the Informatika magazine has been published
inf_j.jpg Volume 17, No. 4 (October-December 2020), contents, link to the electronic version

EURO mini-conference on Logistics Analytics Minsk, Belarus, June 18-19, 2018

EaPEC 2017 – 2nd Eastern Partnership E-infrastructure Conference
27-28 September, Minsk, Belarus

11 - 15 of 31
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