Scientific and technical center of digital technologies "IT-Akademgrad" on the basis of the State Scientific Institution "United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
Main goal
Combining the efforts and competencies of organizations working in the field of information technology to solve urgent problems of the socio-economic and scientific-technical development of Belarus, providing the real sector of the economy with science-intensive digital technologies.
- development of import-substituting digital technologies for enterprises of various types of ownership
- development of scientific, technical and production potential of the participants' divisions in the field of information technology
- consulting and educational services
- scientific expertise and support of innovative and scientific-technical projects of various levels
Competence Centers
"IT-Akademgrad" is built from Competence Centers.
At the moment, six Centers operate on the basis of the UIIP of the NAS of Belarus:
- Competence Center for Intelligent Agriculture
- Competence Center for Bioinformatics
- Competence Center for Aerospace Monitoring
- Competence Center for Mathematical Modeling
- Competence Center for Information Security
- Competence Center for Digital Services and Services
Two Centers are under development:
- Competence Center for Intelligent Digital Healthcare
- Competence Center for Robotics and Artificial Healthcare
How to become a member
The participants of the IT-Akademgrad Center may include organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, their independent structural divisions, as well as other organizations that carry out or plan to carry out one or more types of activities in the field of digital technologies.
To register as a participant of the IT-Akademgrad Center, a legal entity submits to the head of the IT-Akademgrad Center an application in the form approved by the Bureau of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Selected participants are included in the register of the IT-Akademgrad Center. The persons responsible for maintaining the register are appointed by the head of the IT-Akademgrad Center.
The list of organizations included in the IT-Akademgrad Center is established by Resolution of the Bureau of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus based on proposals from the head of the IT-Akademgrad Center. The composition of the participants of the IT-Akademgrad Center may undergo changes.
The withdrawal of a participant from the IT-Akademgrad Center is carried out in a notification procedure by sending a corresponding application in free form, no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the date of termination of participation, addressed to the head of the IT-Akademgrad Center.
The fact of the participant's withdrawal from the IT-Akademgrad Center is confirmed by the decision of the Bureau of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus, formalized by the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus.
The Bureau of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has the right to make a decision to exclude an organization from the list of participants of the IT-Akademgrad Center in cases of: systematic failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of its obligations and decisions of the management of the IT-Akademgrad Center.
Participation in the IT-Akademgrad Center is non-commercial. All financial issues are regulated by separate agreements concluded between the participants of the IT-Akademgrad Center.
List of Competence Center members
- State Enterprise "Institute for System Research in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
- State Enterprise "Center for Identification Systems"
- RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture"
- RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agricultural Mechanization"
- RUE "Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry"
- RUE "Institute of Plant Protection"
- State Scientific Institution "Polesie Agrarian and Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
- RUE "Vitebsk Zonal Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
- RNDUP "Institute of Land Reclamation"
- OJSC "Minsk Research Institute of Radio Materials"
- JSC "Aviation Technologies and Complexes"
- RUE "Scientific and Production Center of Multifunctional Unmanned Complexes" of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
IT-Acadegrad Forum “Abitk-artificial Intelligence in Belarus”
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus together with the state scientific institution "United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" annually holds a forum and exhibition of IT-Academygrad "Abitkmanly intelligence in Belarus".
The purpose of the event is to demonstrate achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, the development and coordination of cooperation between scientists and specialists engaged in research in the field of artificial intelligence methods, in order to find effective solutions and practical recommendations for their application in various fields.