Academic Council
An important component of the system for coordinating scientific activities of the UIIP of the NAS of Belarus is the organization's academic council and its sections.
The Academic Council is formed by the General Director, Deputy General Directors for Scientific Work, the Academic Secretary, who are members of the Council by virtue of their position, and leading scientific workers.
At the UIIP of the NAS of Belarus, as sections of the academic council and chaired by the deputy general director for scientific work and other leading scientific workers with an academic degree, there are two problem councils:
- "Information technology and systems"
- "Modeling of intelligent processes"
Academic Council
The number of members of the Academic Council is approved by the Bureau of the Branch of the Academy of Sciences upon the recommendation of the General Director. Members of the Academic Council, except for persons who are members of the Council by virtue of their position, are elected by a meeting of scientific workers who have an academic degree, with the right of recall and replacement.
The competence of the Academic Council includes:
- definition of the subject of scientific research, consideration of the structure;
- evaluation of the results of scientific activities of structural divisions, temporary research teams, individual research workers and approval of the report on their activities;
- election by competition in accordance with the law of officials (heads of laboratories, departments, sectors) and scientific workers;
- review of cost estimates;
- approval of research plans;
- election of scientific workers as members of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences;
- discusses the most important scientific problems, scientific reports and evaluates the results of scientific work;
- discusses issues of coordination and creative collaboration with other scientific organizations;
- discusses issues of the effectiveness of international scientific cooperation, the progress of research conducted jointly with foreign scientific organizations, and also hears reports from employees on foreign scientific missions;
- discusses issues related to the training and advanced training of scientific personnel; examines and approves the topics of doctoral dissertations, candidate dissertations of postgraduate students and applicants, and makes recommendations on them;
- nominates outstanding scientific works for awarding State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus, prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists and discusses scientific works nominated for prizes by other organizations;
- and other questions.