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Innovative solution for improving the efficiency of agricultural work
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Web service and software to support diagnosis in pulmonology and oncology
Development of the Artificial Intelligence Technology Act
How Information Technology Helps in Patient Treatment
How robots are created, whether AI is involved and where such machines can be useful
How Belarusian scientists work and what developments are implemented
From the materials of the newspaper "Respublika"
Artificial Intelligence Developments in Belarus
Director General of the Joint Institute for Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Sergei Kruglikov took part in a press conference
About Appendix audio guide to the Central Botanical Garden
On the achievements of the Union State and plans for the future
In which areas artificial intelligence is successfully used in Belarus
Why are people afraid of artificial intelligence and what real danger can it pose?
Belarus at the International Exhibition "INNOPROM. Kazakhstan"
Winners of the exhibition-competition "100 Innovations of Young Scientists" have been determined