Objectives and functions

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The status of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is being determined by the Charter

The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NAS of Belarus) is the leading organization in the Republic of Belarus for fundamental and applied research in the field of information technology: image processing and pattern recognition, design automation, mathematical and computer modeling, supercomputer technologies, bioinformatics, medical informatics, digital cartography, information space technologies.

Main objectives

  • conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in assigned scientific areas;
  • identification of fundamentally new paths of scientific and technological progress, implementation of applied scientific research and development of information technologies and software and hardware systems in priority areas of scientific and technological activity;
  • development of recommendations for the use of the results of scientific research of the Institution in practice, their support during development in production;
  • development and operation of the scientific information network of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with access to the Internet and international scientific and educational networks;
  • development of activities, coordination, conducting research and development on scientific (scientific and methodological) support for the processes of development of the scientific and technical information system;
  • development of strategy and technologies for the formation of an information society and the creation of a single information space of the Republic of Belarus;
  • conducting, on behalf of the management of the Academy of Sciences, scientific examinations of the most important scientific, scientific-technical and national economic programs, innovative projects, as well as draft regulatory legal acts in the profile of the Institution;
  • study and generalization of the achievements of world science in the profile of the Institution and promotion of their practical use;
  • training of highly qualified scientific personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • advanced training of scientific workers and specialists, including in foreign scientific centers;
  • development of our own scientific and technical potential, creation and dissemination of new methods and means of studying patterns, phenomena and processes;
  • social protection, protection of rights and legitimate interests of employees of the Institution.
  • UIIP of the NAS of Belarus in accordance with the main tasks assigned to it:

  • conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of cybernetics, computer science, automation and applied mathematics;
  • organizes and carries out complex scientific research and development work;
  • develops recommendations for the use of scientific research results and participation in the development of results;
  • provides scientific support for informatization processes in the Republic of Belarus;
  • develops forecasts in relevant areas of science and technology;
  • carries out training of highly qualified personnel.
  • By the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus No. 3 of 26.01.2007, the rights and obligations of the founder of the following legal entities were transferred to the UIIP NAS of Belarus:

    - Scientific and engineering republican unitary enterprise "Geoinformation systems";
    - Scientific and engineering republican unitary enterprise "Intersectoral scientific and practical center for identification systems and electronic business operations".

    Republican unitary enterprises retain their independence and rights as legal entities. They carry out their activities in accordance with the Charter of the Institution, their Charter and current legislation.